Saturday, February 13, 2010

No So 17...

I need to rant for just a minute!  I am spending my Saturday curled up on a leather sofa at Tully's Cafe in the Pacific Northwest.  I was relaxed and content....until a moment ago.  A middle aged woman and her mother came in with 2 girls both around the age of 9.  The moms sit down with their coffee and tell their girls to sit down beside me in the adjoining leather chairs.  The moms are happily gabbing away and the girls are reading a magazine they brought along with them.  Reading....great!!  I glanced over... 17 Magazine??  I know this magazine is geared for teens.  OK.  This girl is not over the age of 10.  The article she is reading at present? "How To Make Yourself Look HOT!!"  


And we are wondering why we are growing up immodest, insecure little girls instead of women?

*Off my soapbox*

Thursday, January 21, 2010

When I Grow Up

These are the beautiful moments I love to remember:

Tonight P Poppins was in the tub relaxing after her "long day" and we were studying the Apostle's Creed together when she paused and said:

"What I really want is to grow up, graduate highschool, go to college, and then get a little apartment and just get some sleep."

Ahh the life of an 8 year old - and sweet...sweet...uninhibited dreams.

Later, as we were getting into bed we also discussed the organizational model of a small business and various positions within the company I work for.  Who is the boss of the boss anyway??  I love the sweet and sour hearts of kids!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why We Love Nanny Poppins

The Poppins clan and I celebrated Christmas a bit late - we like to prolong the holidays!

The girls drew me an adorable card with the title "Why We Love Nanny Poppins"
On the inside was a message from each of the youngest three:

Word for mispelled Word it said:

"From M Poppins; I think you are so awesome because you clean our rooms for us.  We also love you because you always have the best ideas, your such a fun nanny.  I love you also because your Nanny..."

"From T Poppins;  I like about you that you play whith me when I am alone. and you help us. Love T Poppins."

"From P Poppins; I love You because when I am sad you aswase help me. You clean our rooms and I hope you never leave us."

My little Poppins heart melted!  Apparently, my room cleaning is a big hit!
Sometimes it is just the little things that count...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wii Fit - Me Fit.

The Poppin's clan was very blessed to get a brand new Wii for Christmas (amongst a million other toys) and while I am not an advocate of video games I am a huge advocate of the Wii Fit!  We had a great first night doing Wii Fit Yoga before bed and all of the Poppin's clan slept soundly that night!

Living in Seattle can be challenging during the winter due to the long months of rain and early onset of darkness - the Wii fit is getting us the exercise we need and burning off some the energy that drives Mom Poppins and Nanny Poppins a bit wonky in the winter!

An account of Nanny Poppins first attempt at the Wii Fit went a little something like this:
       Nanny: "Ok girls how do I do this?
       Girls: "Just step on the board and it will make a profile for you"
       Nanny:  *Steps on Wii Fit board* 
      Wii Fit:  *Calculating BMI & Wii Fit Age* 
      Nanny:  WHAT???  It says I am overweight and my Wii Fit age is 45!!!
      Girls:  "Well....I guess you just have to do more Wii Fit!!"  "But don't worry..."
      Nanny: Don't worry??  I am 25 and I am NOT overweight....
      Girls:  *Laughing* 

For the record I am pretty fit and I am not overweight by any stretch of the word!  Never-the-less...I'm a fan of the Wii Fit!

However, as soon as the summer hits Seattle; we're going to get out and use those bikes, sell lemonade, swim...swim...and swim some more, Geo-Cache (I'll post more on this in a bit), use the scooters, play in the playhouse, walk the dogs...because we are resolving to be a healthy Poppins' clan!

The entire Poppins' clan also has a membership to our local (and lavish gym) which has a year round indoor pool, kids pool, spa etc which the Poppins' kids love.  Nanny is now considering also buying Wii Fit for home...

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Some of our Wii Fit accomplishments so far:

Nanny Poppins (ME!) did 261 hoops with the Hula Hoop!  I scored first place!

T Poppins ran 2 miles on the little dirt track which is a great accomplishment considering this Seattle rain doesn't seem to be leaving us any time soon and playing outside is virtually impossible for at least another month or two.

P Poppins is the obstacle course genius...think real life Mario.  She takes after Nanny in the "short & stocky" department but her balance is amazing.

M Poppins is the Yoga guru of the group which is not suprising since she is also our dancing queen.